Cycle Industry Bibliography

The cycle industry: A selected bibliography, with an emphasis on the industry in Coventry


Bartleet, H.W. Bartleet's Bicycle Book. London: Ed. J. Burrow, [1931?]. Reprinted with factual corrections and the final two chapters omitted. [Erdington?]: Veteran-Cycle Club, [1993?].

Batchelor, Laurence Anthony. "A great munitions centre: Coventry's ammunitions and munitions industry 1914-1918." MScR thesis, Coventry University, 2008. See chapter 4, "The Industrial Development and Restructuring of Coventry Industry 1860s to 1914." Also available online here (accessed 8 April, 2015).

Coventry Transport Museum. Cyclopedia: A History of the Bicycle. Coventry: Coventry Transport Museum, [2005?].

Grew, W.F. The Cycle Industry: Its Origin, History and Latest Developments. London: Pitman, 1921. Reprint, London: Forgotten Books, 2012. Also available online here (accessed 8 April, 2015).

Harrison, A.E. "The Competitiveness of the British Cycle Industry, 1890-1914." Economic History Review, n.s., 22, no. 2 (August 1969): 287-303.

Harrison, A.E. "The Origins and Growth of the UK Cycle Industry to 1900." Journal of Transport History, 3rd ser., 6, no. 1 (March 1985): 41-70.

Hassell, Jeromy. "The Coventry Machinists' Company Limited." Archive, no. 41 (March 2004): 47-63.

Hudson, N.B. "The Growth and Structure of the Bicycle Industry." MSc (Econ.) thesis, University College London, 1960.

Kimberley, Damien. Coventry's Bicycle Heritage. Stroud: History Press, 2015.

______. Coventry's Motorcar Heritage. Stroud: History Press, 2012.

______. Coventry's Motorcycle Heritage. Stroud: History Press, 2009.

Lane, Joan, comp. Register of Business Records of Coventry and Related Areas. Coventry: Department of Politics and History, Lanchester Polytechnic, 1977.

Lloyd-Jones, Roger and M.J. Lewis. "Business Networks, Social Habits and the evolution of a Regional Industrial Cluster: Coventry, 1880s-1930s." In Industrial Clusters and Regional Business Networks in England, 1750-1970, edited by John F. Wilson and Andrew Popp, 229-250. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2003.

______. Raleigh and the British Bicycle Industry: An Economic and Business History, 1870-1960. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2000.

______. "Regional Business Networks in Historical Perspective: The British Bicycle Industry, 1870-1914." In Business History, Theory and Practice: Proceedings of the Conference on Business History & Theory, July 1999, Glasgow, edited by Tony Slaven, 142-160. Glasgow: Centre for Business History in Scotland, University of Glasgow, 2000.

Lowe, Jane. A Guide to Sources in the History of the Cycle and Motor Industries in Coventry, 1880-1939. Coventry: Coventry Polytechnic, [1982?].

Miller, Ray, comp. An Encyclopaedia of Cycle Manufacturers: The Early Years up to 1918. 2nd ed. [Erdington?]: John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, 2009.

Millward, Anthony. "Factors Contributing to the Sustained Success of the UK Cycle Industry 1870-1939." PhD thesis, Faculty of Commerce and Social Studies, University of Birmingham, 1999.

Millward, Anthony. "The Genesis of the British Cycle Industry 1867-1872." In Proceedings of the First International Cycling History Conference, 59-79. Glasgow: Museum of Transport, 1990. Also available online here (accessed 8 April, 2015).

Norcliffe, Glen. "The Rise of the Coventry Bicycle Industry and the Geographical Construction of Technology." In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Cycling History Conference, edited by Andrew Ritchie and Nicholas Clayton, 41-58. San Francisco: Cycle Publishing, 2005. Also available online here (accessed 8 April, 2015).

Perkin, Hilda M. "The Evolution of the Cycle Industry in Coventry, 1869-1914." BA dissertation, Lanchester Polytechnic, 1979.

______. "The Bicycle Industry and the Bicycle Boom 1895-1897." MSc report, Department of Economic History, London School of Economics, 1980.

Pinkerton, John and Derek Roberts. A History of Rover Cycles. Erdington: Dorothy Pinkerton, 1998.

Rosen, Paul. Framing Production: Technology, Culture, and Change in the British Bicycle Industry. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.

Thoms, D.W. and T. Donelly. "Coventry's Industrial Economy, 1880-1980." In Life and Labour in a Twentieth Century City: The Experience of Coventry, edited by Bill Lancaster and Tony Mason, 11-56. Coventry: Cryfield Press, Centre for the Study of Social History, University of Warwick, [1986?].

______. The Coventry Motor Industry: Birth to Renaissance. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2000. See chapter 2, "Origins: From Cycles to Cars."

Tripp, Basil H. Renold Chains: A History of the Company and the Rise of the Precision Chain Industry 1879-1955. London: Allen & Unwin, 1956. Reprint, London: Routledge, 2006.

The Victoria History of the County of Warwick. Vol. 8, The City of Coventry and Borough of Warwick, edited by W.B. Stephens. London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research, 1969. See, "Cycle Manufacture," 172-186. Also available online here (accessed 8 April, 2015).

Williamson, Geoffrey. Wheels within Wheels: The Story of the Starleys of Coventry. London: Geoffrey Bles, 1966.

A much more comprehensive bibliography of works on the cycle industry, which covers the industry overseas as well as in the UK, is available online here (accessed 8 April, 2015). Select 'Go directly to the Bibliography' on the RHS of the screen and then select 'Show All' at the top. The bibliography includes a search facility.

Melvyn Hirst, 11 January, 2017

Content researched and written by Melvyn Hirst

Web site created by Mark Hirst. Page updated: 15 Nov 2017